Sona, Diego
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.575
EU - Europa 1.578
AS - Asia 1.059
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
SA - Sud America 4
AF - Africa 2
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 5.231
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.528
HK - Hong Kong 471
DE - Germania 369
UA - Ucraina 276
SG - Singapore 260
IT - Italia 201
SE - Svezia 197
CN - Cina 155
FI - Finlandia 138
RU - Federazione Russa 98
VN - Vietnam 97
IE - Irlanda 80
GB - Regno Unito 70
CA - Canada 45
FR - Francia 39
IN - India 32
BE - Belgio 30
ES - Italia 29
IL - Israele 19
CH - Svizzera 11
EU - Europa 11
IR - Iran 10
NL - Olanda 7
SI - Slovenia 7
DK - Danimarca 6
JP - Giappone 6
AT - Austria 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
HU - Ungheria 4
AR - Argentina 2
BR - Brasile 2
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LT - Lituania 2
MA - Marocco 2
MX - Messico 2
NO - Norvegia 2
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KR - Corea 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 5.231
Città #
Jacksonville 585
Chandler 500
Hong Kong 452
Singapore 214
Wilmington 150
Ashburn 122
Boardman 106
Dong Ket 97
Kronberg 96
Dublin 80
Helsinki 80
Dearborn 77
Ann Arbor 76
Beijing 61
Woodbridge 51
Shanghai 49
Toronto 39
Santa Clara 36
Trento 32
Brussels 30
Los Angeles 28
Houston 25
Brooklyn 24
Seattle 24
Genova 22
New York 20
San Mateo 19
Milan 18
Phoenix 18
Augusta 16
Pune 14
Redwood City 14
Barcelona 13
Madrid 13
Guangzhou 11
Norwalk 11
Verona 10
Munich 9
Ardabil 7
Falls Church 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Leawood 7
Mountain View 7
Portland 7
Central 6
Falkenstein 6
Hanover 6
Nanjing 6
Paese 6
Perugia 5
Auburn Hills 4
Brno 4
Central District 4
Cologne 4
Des Moines 4
London 4
Miami 4
Norman 4
Ottawa 4
Secaucus 4
Zurich 4
Amsterdam 3
Buffalo 3
Cadelbosco 3
Chicago 3
Düsseldorf 3
Geneva 3
Genoa 3
Glasgow 3
Newark 3
North Bergen 3
Padova 3
Sacramento 3
San Sebastián De Los Reyes 3
Sestri Levante 3
Tokyo 3
Vienna 3
Wuhan 3
Beckley 2
Berlin 2
Fairfield 2
Hefei 2
Iselin 2
Jakarta 2
Kunming 2
Melegnano 2
Mexico City 2
Mezzocorona 2
Monmouth Junction 2
Rovereto 2
Spanga 2
St Petersburg 2
Sunnyvale 2
Tappahannock 2
Acireale 1
Ala 1
Altavilla Vicentina 1
Andover 1
Arata 1
Atlanta 1
Totale 3.452
Nome #
Clustering with Propagation for Hierarchical Document Classification 256
3D dendrite tracing inspired by diffusion MRI tractography 107
Bootstrapping for Hierarchical Document Classification 101
Bootstrapping of Supervised Hierarchical Classifiers 87
Unsupervised Categorization Exploiting a-priori Knowledge of a Taxonomy 86
Bootstrapping for Hierarchical Document Classification 83
Analysis of Dynamic Brain Connectivity Through Geodesic Clustering 83
Functional connectivity estimation over large networks at cellular resolution based on electrophysiological recordings and structural prior 81
Inferring Cognition from fMRI Brain Images 79
A Relational Cascade Correlation for Structured Outputs 78
Clustering Documents into a Web Directory for Bootstrapping a Supervised Classification 75
Hierarchical Dirichlet Model for Document Classification 75
A Stem-Based Dissection of Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus with A Deep Learning Model 70
Mixture Models for Cognitive Brain State Prediction 69
Gaussian Process Regression and Recurrent Neural Networks for fMRI Image Classification 69
Multi-Classification of Clinical Guidelines in Concept Hierarchies 68
Regularization for Unsupervised Classification on Taxonomies 67
AIforCOVID: Predicting the clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 applying AI to chest-X-rays. An Italian multicentre study 67
Making e-Learning Better Through Machine Learning 66
Clustering Documents in a Web Directory 66
Pairwise Analysis for Longitudinal fMRI Studies 66
Data Analysis for SMAP Project 65
Kernel-Based Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity on Grassmann Manifold 65
Automatic Segmentation of Neurons from Fluorescent Microscopy Imaging 65
Self Organization of Documents in a Given Taxonomy 64
Neuronal network structural connectivity estimation by probabilistic features and graph heat kernels2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 64
Building Quality-based Views of the Web 64
Automatic Generation of Metadata for Learning Objects 63
Effective Brain Connectivity based on Structural Prior 62
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing -- ICIAP 2015 Workshops 62
Learning BOLD Response in fMRI by Reservoir Computing 61
A Baseline Approach for the Automatic Hierarchical Organization of Learning Resources 60
Contextual Processing of Structured Data by Recursive Cascade Correlation 60
Learning to Interpret Cognitive States from fMRI Brain Images 60
Finding the Right Answer: An Information Retrieval Approach Supporting Knowledge Sharing 59
Modelling Retinal Activity with Restricted Boltzmann Machines: a Study on the Inhibitory Circuitry 59
Automatic Visual Tracking and Social Behaviour Analysis with Multiple Mice 58
Automatic White Matter Fiber Clustering Using Dominant Sets 58
A Recommender Agent to Support Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Enterprises 57
Automated multi-subject fiber clustering of mouse brain using dominant sets 57
Multi-branch convolutional neural network for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation 57
Automated Discovery of Behavioural Patterns in Rodents 56
Joint laplacian diagonalization for multi-modal brain community detection 56
Segmentation and tracking of multiple interacting mice by temperature and shape information 56
TaxE: a Testbed for Hierarchical Document Classifiers 55
Helping Physicians to Organize Guidelines within Conceptual Hierarchies 55
Feature Rating by Random Subspaces for Functional Brain Mapping 54
Automatic Tractography Analysis through Sparse Networks in Case-Control Studies 54
Sparse representation of the connectome for group discrimination: application to multiple sclerosis 54
Bridging the gap in connectomic studies: A particle filtering framework for estimating structural connectivity at network scale 53
Sleep-stage scoring in mice: The influence of data pre-processing on a system's performance 53
Deep 2D Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation in Brain MRI 53
Contextual Processing of Structured Data by Recursive Cascade Correlation 52
Multivariate Brain Mapping by Random Subspaces 52
Atlas-free connectivity analysis driven by white matter structure 52
Classification Methods for Structured Outputs 51
Investigating the spectral features of the brain meso-scale structure at rest 51
Describing the Conformational Landscape of Small Organic Molecules through Gaussian Mixtures in Dihedral Space 50
Formal Determination of Context in Contextual Recursive Cascade Correlation Networks 49
Fitting and simplification of mixtures for clustering conformational populations of small organic molecules 49
Clustering Documents into a Web Directory for Bootstrapping a Supervised Classification 48
Improving FREAK Descriptor for Image Classification 48
MultiLink Analysis: Brain Network Comparison via Sparse Connectivity Analysis 48
Investigating the Impact of Genetic Background on Brain Dynamic Functional Connectivity Through Machine Learning: A Twins Study 48
Multiple Organs Segmentation in Abdomen CT Scans Using a Cascade of CNNs 48
Cyst segmentation on kidney tubules by means of U-Net deep-learning models 48
Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Multinomials for Data Mining in Mice Behaviour Analysis 46
Unsupervised Learning of Spatio-Temporal Features from Retinal Neuronal Signals 46
A novel unsupervised analysis of electrophysiological signals reveals new sleep substages in mice 44
Inner product tree for improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit 43
Chronic and Acute Intranasal Oxytocin Produce Divergent Social Effects in Mice 42
Kernel-based classification for brain connectivity graphs on the Riemannian manifold of positive definite matrices 42
Traces of human functional activity: Moment-to-moment fluctuations in fMRI data 42
Addressing signal alterations induced in CT images by deep learning processing: A preliminary phantom study 39
Clustered subsampling for clinically informed diagnostic brain mapping 38
Structural and functional identification of sub-networks in dissociated neuronal cultures: an automated multimodal analysis combining high density MEA and fluorescence imaging 37
Group-Wise Functional Community Detection through Joint Laplacian Diagonalization 37
Unsupervised Detection of White Matter Fiber Bundles with Stochastic Neural Networks 37
Non-parametric temporal modeling of the hemodynamic response function via a liquid state machine 36
Comparison Of Brain Connectomes Using Geodesic Distance On Manifold: A Twins Study 35
Bi-causal recurrent cascade correlation 34
AI models for automated segmentation of engineered polycystic kidney tubules 33
Effective Brain Connectivity Through a Constrained Autoregressive Model 33
Unsupervised mouse behavior analysis: A data-driven study of mice interactions 32
Data-driven study of mouse sleep-stages using Restricted Boltzmann Machines 32
Case-control discrimination through effective brain connectivity 31
Unsupervised Spike Sorting for Large-Scale, High-Density Multielectrode Arrays 31
Segmentation of Retinal Ganglion Cells From Fluorescent Microscopy Imaging 30
Multiple Mice Tracking: Occlusions Disentanglement using a Gaussian Mixture Model 30
Encoding Brain Networks Through Geodesic Clustering of Functional Connectivity for Multiple Sclerosis Classification 26
Multimodal Segmentation of Medical Images with Heavily Missing Data 26
Weakly Supervised Geodesic Segmentation of Egyptian Mummy CT Scans 22
Geodesic Clustering of Positive Definite Matrices For Classification of Mental Disorder Using Brain Functional Connectivity 21
Modeling a population of retinal ganglion cells with restricted Boltzmann machines 21
UNet and MobileNet CNN-based model observers for CT protocol optimization: comparative performance evaluation by means of phantom CT images 18
Discovering functional connectivity features characterizing multiple sclerosis phenotypes using explainable artificial intelligence 18
Structurally constrained effective brain connectivity 17
Dynamic Functional Connectivity For The Classification Of Multiple Sclerosis Phenotype: A Hidden Markov Model Approach 16
Organ Segmentation with Recursive Data Augmentation for Deep Models 15
null 13
Totale 5.375
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.168
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 39.168

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020392 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 15 96 32 107 40
2020/2021871 119 4 87 42 98 28 113 2 7 203 38 130
2021/2022493 21 3 16 92 20 6 20 88 40 25 43 119
2022/20231.109 50 75 40 194 60 158 15 92 253 109 53 10
2023/2024646 65 24 55 32 35 59 64 114 26 80 9 83
2024/2025832 22 60 352 72 269 22 35 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.382