Tonetta, Stefano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.576
EU - Europa 2.223
AS - Asia 884
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 27
SA - Sud America 12
OC - Oceania 9
AF - Africa 1
Totale 6.732
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.521
DE - Germania 603
IT - Italia 354
UA - Ucraina 289
HK - Hong Kong 246
SE - Svezia 224
FI - Finlandia 204
CN - Cina 182
SG - Singapore 142
IE - Irlanda 140
IN - India 135
GB - Regno Unito 112
VN - Vietnam 95
RU - Federazione Russa 72
FR - Francia 63
BE - Belgio 53
CA - Canada 51
EU - Europa 26
JP - Giappone 26
HU - Ungheria 19
GR - Grecia 18
SI - Slovenia 16
PK - Pakistan 12
KR - Corea 10
AU - Australia 9
BR - Brasile 9
DK - Danimarca 9
ES - Italia 9
IR - Iran 8
AT - Austria 7
IL - Israele 7
RO - Romania 7
LB - Libano 6
LT - Lituania 4
MX - Messico 4
NL - Olanda 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
MY - Malesia 3
AR - Argentina 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CH - Svizzera 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TW - Taiwan 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
BO - Bolivia 1
EE - Estonia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
PL - Polonia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
Totale 6.732
Città #
Chandler 710
Jacksonville 564
Hong Kong 240
Boardman 225
Ashburn 183
Wilmington 170
Los Angeles 165
Trento 161
Helsinki 137
Dublin 136
Ann Arbor 127
Kronberg 110
Singapore 104
Dong Ket 92
Dearborn 89
Brooklyn 82
Beijing 81
Woodbridge 47
Brussels 46
New York 44
Ottawa 37
Houston 33
Pune 32
Guangzhou 31
Seattle 29
Nuremberg 28
Redwood City 26
Shanghai 25
Milan 23
Munich 23
Phoenix 21
Miami 20
Verona 20
Norwalk 17
Tokyo 15
Budapest 12
Fremont 12
Karlsruhe 12
Falls Church 11
Redmond 11
Council Bluffs 10
Rome 10
Toronto 10
Ames 9
Cheyenne 9
Inglewood 9
Leawood 9
Ljubljana 8
San Mateo 8
Karachi 7
Nanjing 7
São Luís 7
Braunschweig 6
Dallas 6
Hanover 6
Augusta 5
Bolzano 5
Kagoya 5
Mountain View 5
Portland 5
Santa Clara 5
Timisoara 5
Bangalore 4
Fairfield 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
London 4
Madrid 4
Palermo 4
Santa Monica 4
Vienna 4
Alfeld 3
Ardabil 3
Baku 3
Barcelona 3
Bari 3
Brno 3
Caerano di San Marco 3
Cambridge 3
Cologne 3
Duncan 3
Falkenstein 3
Gold Coast 3
Havre De Grace 3
Monmouth Junction 3
Pittsburgh 3
Pozzolengo 3
Saint Petersburg 3
San Francisco 3
Secaucus 3
Tappahannock 3
Tlalpan 3
Wakefield 3
West Lafayette 3
Wuhan 3
Zhengzhou 3
Adelaide 2
Andover 2
Bengaluru 2
Borgo San Lorenzo 2
Bresso 2
Totale 4.224
Nome #
SMT-Based Satisfiability of First-Order LTL with Event Freezing Functions and Metric Operators 223
NuRV: a nuXmv Extension for Runtime Verification 205
Assumption-based Runtime Verification with Partial Observability and Resets 169
COMPASS 3.0 159
Extending nuXmv with Timed Transition Systems and Timed Temporal Properties 156
Model-Based Run-Time Synthesis of Architectural Configurations for Adaptive MILS Systems 137
Towards Adaptive MILS Systems: Model-Based Design, Verification And Run-Time Adaptation 106
Tightening the contract refinements of a system architecture 105
Formal Design of Asynchronous Fault Detection and Identification Components using Temporal Epistemic Logic 100
Model-Based Design of an Energy-System Embedded Controller Using Taste 99
Safely Using the AUTOSAR End-to-End Protection Library 98
A Lazy Approach to Temporal Epistemic Logic Model Checking 97
OthelloPlay: a plug-in based tool for requirement formalization and validation 96
Supporting Requirements Validation: The EuRailCheck Tool 95
Formal Specification and Verification of Dynamic Parametrized Architectures 92
Model Checking at Scale: Automated Air Traffic Control Design Space Exploration 90
Formal Methods for Aerospace Systems 88
Safety Assessment of AltaRica Models via Symbolic Model Checking 82
Formal Design of Fault Detection and Identification Components Using Temporal Epistemic Logic 81
Abstract Model Checking without Computing the Abstraction 79
A Uniform Framework for Predicate Abstraction Approximation 78
Comparing Different Functional Allocations in Automated Air Traffic Control Design 78
Certifying Proofs for LTL Model Checking 78
Model Checking and Safety Assessment of Altarica models 77
Boolean Abstraction for Temporal Logic Satisfiability 75
Combining MILS with Contract-Based Design for Safety and Security Requirements 75
An abstraction refinement approach combining precise and approximated techniques 74
A Property-Based Proof System for Contract-Based Design 74
Catalogue of System and Software Properties 74
A Formal Framework for the Specification, Verification and Synthesis of Diagnosers 73
Formal Specification and Synthesis of FDI through an Example 72
Formal Design and Safety Analysis of AIR6110 Wheel Brake System 71
Infinite-state invariant checking with IC3 and predicate abstraction 71
Model Checking of Hybrid Systems using Shallow Synchronization 69
Quantifier-free encoding of invariants for hybrid systems 68
HyDI: A Language for Symbolic Hybrid Systems with Discrete Interaction 68
GSTE is partitioned Model Checking 66
Proving and Explaining the Unfeasibility of Message Sequence Charts for Hybrid Systems 66
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - 36th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2017, Trento, Italy, September 13-15, 2017, Proceedings 66
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, TELERISE, and TIPS, Trento, Italy, September 12, 2017, Proceedings 64
Efficient Scenario VeriFIcation for Hybrid Automata 63
Object Models with Temporal Constraints 63
Formalizing requirements with object models and temporal constraints 62
Formalization and validation of a subset of the European Train Control System 62
Making Implicit Safety Requirements Explicit. An AUTOSAR Safety Case 62
Formal Safety Assessment via Contract-Based Design. 61
The nuXmv Symbolic Model Checker 61
Assumption-Based Runtime Verification of Infinite-State Systems 61
Validation of Requirements for Hybrid Systems: a Formal Approach 60
SMT-Based Verification of Hybrid Systems 60
Quantifier-free encoding of hybrid systems with non-linear dynamics 60
IC3 Modulo Theories via Implicit Predicate Abstraction 60
Infinite-State Liveness-to-Safety via Implicit Abstraction and Well-Founded Relations 60
Certifying proofs for SAT-based model checking 60
HYCOMP - an SMT-based model checker for hybrid systems 59
Loopfrog: A Static Analyzer for ANSI-C Programs 58
Contracts-refinement proof system for component-based embedded systems 58
Symbolic Compilation of PSL 57
GSTE is partitioned model checking 57
Loop Summarization using State and Transition Invariants 57
HRELTL: A temporal logic for hybrid systems 57
Symbolic Systems, Explicit Properties: On Hybrid Approaches for LTL Symbolic Model Checking 56
From System Specification to Anomaly Detection (and back) 56
Requirements Validation for Hybrid Systems 55
From Sequential Extended Regular Expressions to NFA with Symbolic Labels 55
Tightening a Contract Refinement 54
Time-aware Relational Abstractions for Hybrid Systems 53
Requirements Refinement and Component Reuse: The FoReVer Contract-Based Approach 52
From PSL to NBA: a Modular Symbolic Encoding 51
Parameter Synthesis with IC3 50
Formalization and Validation of Safety-Critical Requirements 49
Loop Summarization Using Abstract Transformers 48
Safe Decomposition of Startup Requirements: Verification and Synthesis 48
A comprehensive framework for the analysis of automotive systems 46
Syntactic Optimizations for PSL Verification 45
A Cloud-based Collaboration Platform for Model-based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems 45
Symbolic Systems, Explicit Properties: On Hybrid Approaches for LTL Symbolic Model Checking 44
SMT-based scenario verification for hybrid systems 43
From Informal Requirements to Property-Driven Formal Validation 42
Verification of Railway Interlocking - Compositional Approach with OCRA 42
OCRA: A tool for checking the refinement of temporal contracts 41
Assumptions and Guarantees for Composable Models in Papyrus for Robotics 41
Property-driven partitioning for abstraction refinement 38
Verifying LTL Properties of Hybrid Systems with K-Liveness 38
Diagnosability of fair transition systems 37
Model-based Analysis Support for Dependable Complex Systems in CHESS 37
Fairness, Assumptions, and Guarantees for Extended Bounded Response LTL+P Synthesis 37
Asynchronous Composition of Local Interface LTL Properties 36
COMPASTA: Extending TASTE with Formal Design and Verification Functionality 36
The synergy of precise and fast abstractions for program verification 36
Linear-time Temporal Logic with Event Freezing Functions 34
Model-Based Safety Analysis of Mode Transitions 34
Searching for Ribbon-Shaped Paths in Fair Transition Systems 33
A first-order logic characterisation of safety and co-safety languages 32
Extended bounded response LTL: a new safety fragment for efficient reactive synthesis 32
29th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME 2022, November 7-9, 2022, Virtual Conference 29
Reactive Synthesis from Extended Bounded Response LTL Specifications 29
Expressiveness of Extended Bounded Response LTL 29
COMPASTA: Integrating COMPASS Functionality into TASTE 27
A Proposal for the Classification of Methods for Verification and Validation of Safety, Cybersecurity, and Privacy of Automated Systems 27
Totale 6.669
Categoria #
all - tutte 41.573
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 41.573

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.027 0 0 0 58 154 77 156 41 152 186 110 93
2020/20211.052 115 10 132 39 109 35 151 22 65 180 41 153
2021/2022720 32 16 16 91 43 22 18 119 51 25 136 151
2022/20231.526 56 144 35 253 73 221 42 115 342 122 59 64
2023/20241.293 88 42 95 94 78 178 68 147 101 174 20 208
2024/2025403 51 41 253 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.017