Merler, Stefano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.173
EU - Europa 5.031
AS - Asia 1.916
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 46
SA - Sud America 31
OC - Oceania 7
AF - Africa 5
Totale 15.209
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.105
DE - Germania 1.094
IT - Italia 905
UA - Ucraina 773
SE - Svezia 768
HK - Hong Kong 565
FI - Finlandia 441
SG - Singapore 427
CN - Cina 367
VN - Vietnam 271
IE - Irlanda 237
GB - Regno Unito 219
FR - Francia 202
IN - India 154
BE - Belgio 130
RU - Federazione Russa 97
CA - Canada 57
EU - Europa 46
JP - Giappone 41
IR - Iran 33
BR - Brasile 23
SI - Slovenia 22
NL - Olanda 21
ES - Italia 17
HU - Ungheria 14
GR - Grecia 13
HR - Croazia 12
IL - Israele 12
PT - Portogallo 11
KR - Corea 9
LT - Lituania 9
MX - Messico 9
CH - Svizzera 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
TW - Taiwan 7
AU - Australia 6
PL - Polonia 6
AT - Austria 5
DK - Danimarca 5
AR - Argentina 4
MY - Malesia 4
PH - Filippine 4
RO - Romania 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
LB - Libano 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
TH - Thailandia 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
BZ - Belize 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PE - Perù 2
SC - Seychelles 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
CM - Camerun 1
CO - Colombia 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
IS - Islanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TR - Turchia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 15.209
Città #
Chandler 1.702
Jacksonville 1.592
Hong Kong 556
Ashburn 430
Wilmington 420
Boardman 384
Singapore 343
Ann Arbor 329
Kronberg 269
Dong Ket 264
Helsinki 243
Dublin 234
New York 205
Dearborn 201
Trento 162
Woodbridge 158
Brussels 119
Beijing 107
Strasbourg 107
Rome 93
Fremont 89
Brooklyn 81
Shanghai 80
Phoenix 77
Houston 72
Los Angeles 70
Pune 66
Seattle 57
Redwood City 51
Santa Clara 51
Miami 40
Toronto 39
San Mateo 37
Norwalk 36
Tokyo 35
Falls Church 27
Milan 27
Nanjing 27
Augusta 25
Verona 25
Berlin 23
Guangzhou 22
Munich 22
Redmond 21
Chengdu 20
Portland 20
Padova 19
Hanover 18
Fairfield 17
Mountain View 17
Torino 17
Leawood 15
São Luís 15
Bloomington 14
Budapest 14
Cheyenne 13
Costa Mesa 13
Genzano Di Roma 13
London 12
Merano 12
Washington 12
Wuhan 12
Falkenstein 11
Auburn Hills 10
Barcelona 9
Cologno Monzese 9
Frankfurt am Main 9
Ottawa 9
Venice 9
Bolzano 8
Cologne 8
Gunzenhausen 8
Mexico City 8
St Petersburg 8
Tappahannock 8
Easton 7
Hangzhou 7
Hanoi 7
Jinan 7
Nanchang 7
Saint Petersburg 7
Ardabil 6
Bangalore 6
Central District 6
Chioggia 6
Hasselt 6
Hefei 6
Kunming 6
Mesa 6
North Bergen 6
Paris 6
Portici 6
Concorezzo 5
Des Moines 5
Genoa 5
Legnago 5
Maastricht 5
Nuremberg 5
Secaucus 5
Zanjan 5
Totale 9.553
Nome #
Wildlife management and landscape analysis in the grass gis 143
The effect of travel restrictions on the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak 139
Coinfection can trigger multiple pandemic waves 129
Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes of 1591 Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 Admitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region, Italy 120
Potential short-term outcome of an uncontrolled COVID-19 epidemic in Lombardy, Italy, February to March 2020 118
Age-specific SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality ratio and associated risk factors, Italy, February to April 2020 96
Evolving epidemiology and transmission dynamics of coronavirus disease 2019 outside Hubei province, China: a descriptive and modelling study 95
Supervised classification of combined copy number and gene expression data. 94
A grid environment for high-throughput proteomics. 93
Contact Patterns and Transmission of Varicella in Europe 93
Ixodes Ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) Infestation on Roe Deer (Capreolus Capreolus) in Trentino, Italian Alps 93
Geographical Information Systems and Bootstrap Aggregation (Bagging) of Tree-Based Classifiers for Lyme Disease Risk Assessment in Trentino, Italian Alps 92
An individual-based model of hepatitis A transmission. 92
A dynamic individual based model of hepatitis A transmission 89
Impact of a Nationwide Lockdown on SARS-CoV-2 Transmissibility, Italy 89
Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak in China 87
Behavioural Changes in Response to Pandemics in an Evolutionary Game Setting 87
Algebraic stability indicators for ranked lists in molecular profiling 86
Modelling the impact of testing, contact tracing and household quarantine on second waves of COVID-19 86
The introduction of ‘No jab, No school’ policy and the refinement of measles immunisation strategies in high-income countries 85
An Application of the Bootstrap 632+ Rule to Ecological Data 84
Assessing the risk of autochthonous yellow fever transmission in Lazio, central Italy 84
Impact of tiered restrictions on human activities and the epidemiology of the second wave of COVID-19 in Italy 84
Spatiotemporal dynamics of viral hepatitis A in Italy 83
Behavioral Changes and Adaptation Induced by Epidemics 83
Proteome profiling without selection bias 81
Age-prioritized use of antivirals during an influenza pandemic. 81
Determinazione e mappatura del rischio potenziale di trasmissione della malattia di Lyme in Trentino (Alpi italiane) 81
Strong impact of demographic changes on Varicella and Herpes Zoster 81
Semisupervised Profiling of Gene Expressions and Clinical Data. 80
Bagging as a predictive method for landscape epidemiology of Lyme disease 80
Synthetic contact matrices for the analysis of infectious diseases 78
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in an area of North-eastern Italy with a high incidence of COVID-19 cases: a population-based study 78
Exact Bagging with k-Nearest Neighbour Classifiers 77
Bias-Variance Control via Hard Points Shaving 77
Comparing large-scale computational approaches to epidemic modeling: agent based versus structured metapopulation models 77
Automatic model selection in cost-sensitive boosting 76
Young Competitive Athletes Resuscitated from Cardiac Arrest on Field: Exploratory Data Analysis and Computer Simulations 76
A multi - model approach to describe the Chikungunya epidemic in Italy during summer 2007 76
Assessing outbreak containment success in case of accidental laboratory escape of potential pandemic pathogens 76
Gene selection and classification with support vector machines applied to microarray data 75
Contact patterns and transmission of varicella in Europe 74
Geographical Information System (GIS) for Landscape Epidemiology 74
Effectiveness of contact investigations for tuberculosis control in Arkansas 74
A comparative analysis of the 2007 and 2017 Italian chikungunya outbreaks and implication for public health response 74
Risk perception and 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza spread in Italy 73
Detecting a Surprisingly Low Transmission Distance in the Early Phase of the 2009 Influenza Pandemic 73
Synthetic mixing patterns and infectious disease epidemiology 71
An accelerated procedure for recursive feature ranking on microarray data 71
SSTBoost: Automatic Model Selection in Cost-sensitive Boosting 71
Exact Bagging with k-Nearest Neighbour Classifiers 71
Comparing large-scale computational approaches to epidemic modeling: Agent based versus structured metapopulation models 71
Assessing the potential risk of Zika virus epidemics in temperate areas with established Aedes albopictus populations 71
Estimating the success probability of containment strategies in the case of accidental laboratory escape of potential pandemic pathogens 70
Presenza di zecche sugli ungolati selvatici: risultati ottenuti con la collaborazione dei cacciatori trentini. Primo rapporto 70
Model Selection of Combined Neural Nets for Speech Recognition, Chapter 9 70
Computing Synthetic contact matrices through modeling of social mixing patterns relevant to infectious disease transmission 70
Inferring the Structure of Social Contacts from Demographic Data in the Analysis of Infectious Diseases Spread 70
Parental vaccination to reduce measles immunity gaps in Italy 70
Entropy-based gene ranking without selection bias for the predictive classification of microarray data 69
Pattern of Infestation of Ixodes Ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) on Roe Deer in the Italian Alps 69
Uncoordinated Human Responses During Epidemic Outbreaks 69
A Combinatorial Model of Malware Diffusion via Bluetooth Connections 69
Effectiveness and economic assessment of routine larviciding for prevention of chikungunya and dengue in temperate urban settings in Europe 69
GIS and the Random Forest Predictor: Integration in R for Tick-borne Disease Risk Assessment 68
Modeling endemic diseases: individual-based simulations with dynamic network of contacts 68
Metodi informatici WebGIS per l'analisi e la sorveglianza epidemiologica delle infezioni trasmesse da zecche 67
A New Bootstrap Method for Risk Assessment ofExposure to Lyme Disease 67
Bias-Variance Control via Hard Points Shaving 67
Machine learning methods for predictive proteomics 67
Evaluating vaccination strategies for reducing infant respiratory syncytial virus infection in low-income settings 67
Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases and estimates of the reproductive numbers 1 month into the epidemic, Italy, 28 January to 31 March 2020 67
Comparing large-scale computational approaches to epidemic modeling: agent-based versus structured metapopulation models 66
Modelling preventive measures during an influenza pandemic in Italy: a real time simulation strategy 66
Different Clinical Phenotypes of Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: A Subgroup Analysis of 86 Patients 66
Entropy-based gene ranking without selection bias for the predictive classification of microarray data 65
Semisupervised Learning for Molecular Profiling 65
Spontaneous behavioural changes in response to epidemics 65
Co-circulation of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Gamma variants in Italy, February and March 2021 65
An integrated toolbox for image registration, fusion and classification 64
Integrating gene expression profiling and clinical data 64
Modeling the impact of changes in day-care contact patterns on the dynamics of varicella transmission in France between 1991 and 2015 64
Association of Age With Likelihood of Developing Symptoms and Critical Disease Among Close Contacts Exposed to Patients With Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Italy 64
A quantitative assessment of epidemiological parameters required to investigate COVID-19 burden 64
Modeling influenza pandemic in Italy: an individual based approach 63
Investigating the trasmission potential and the impact of control measures of the 2007 Chikungunya fever outbreak in Italy 63
Cost-effectiveness of varicella immunization in European countries 63
Transmission Potential and Design of Adequate Control Measures for Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever 63
The Epidemiology of Herpes Zoster After Varicella Immunization Under Different Biological Hypotheses: Perspectives From Mathematical Modeling 63
New WEBGIS technologies for geolocation of epidemiological data: an application for the surveillance of the risk of Lyme borreliosis disease 63
Spatiotemporal spread of the 2014 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia and the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions: a computational modelling analysis 62
Analysis of the Distribution and Abundance of Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) on Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the Italian Alps 62
Synchrony, scale and temporal dynamics of rock partridge populations in the Dolomite 62
Demographic change & contact patterns: impact on infectious diseases transmission and control 62
Metodi neuronali e statistici per l'analisi del rischio di parassiti 61
Exact Bagging with k-Nearest Neighbour Classifiers 61
Highlighting Hard Patterns via Adaboost Weights Evolution 61
The Impact of the Unstructured Contacts Component in Influenza Pandemic Modeling 61
The effect of risk perception on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza dynamics 61
Containing the accidental laboratory escape of potential pandemic influenza viruses 61
Totale 7.615
Categoria #
all - tutte 103.294
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 103.294

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.755 0 0 0 17 291 156 304 35 268 163 369 152
2020/20213.147 455 67 332 184 326 106 402 50 78 535 163 449
2021/20221.449 80 44 45 322 37 83 50 205 119 64 191 209
2022/20233.722 122 292 68 614 187 627 53 304 910 295 158 92
2023/20242.497 197 106 226 137 177 325 115 323 96 424 39 332
2024/2025940 75 167 635 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.822