4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 248.035
EU - Europa 181.638
AS - Asia 96.301
SA - Sud America 1.866
AF - Africa 1.633
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1.505
OC - Oceania 1.360
Totale 532.338
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 243.250
DE - Germania 35.763
HK - Hong Kong 32.719
RU - Federazione Russa 32.396
UA - Ucraina 24.496
IT - Italia 20.646
SE - Svezia 19.165
SG - Singapore 17.467
FI - Finlandia 14.342
CN - Cina 13.274
IN - India 10.448
GB - Regno Unito 8.853
VN - Vietnam 8.266
IE - Irlanda 8.258
FR - Francia 4.847
CA - Canada 4.014
BE - Belgio 3.077
JP - Giappone 2.885
NL - Olanda 1.926
KR - Corea 1.854
IR - Iran 1.717
EU - Europa 1.478
ES - Italia 1.442
AU - Australia 1.130
IL - Israele 1.124
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1.033
TW - Taiwan 1.013
BR - Brasile 982
CH - Svizzera 857
TR - Turchia 807
MY - Malesia 649
MX - Messico 611
AT - Austria 572
PK - Pakistan 564
ID - Indonesia 561
PH - Filippine 555
ZA - Sudafrica 505
LT - Lituania 474
GR - Grecia 465
PL - Polonia 440
PT - Portogallo 425
TH - Thailandia 329
RO - Romania 325
NO - Norvegia 267
PE - Perù 259
SI - Slovenia 257
EG - Egitto 250
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 250
SA - Arabia Saudita 245
BD - Bangladesh 232
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 222
LB - Libano 220
DK - Danimarca 206
HU - Ungheria 204
DZ - Algeria 172
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 167
LK - Sri Lanka 154
MA - Marocco 153
CO - Colombia 148
AR - Argentina 145
IQ - Iraq 135
JO - Giordania 128
EC - Ecuador 127
NG - Nigeria 119
LV - Lettonia 110
CL - Cile 109
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 102
BG - Bulgaria 86
AZ - Azerbaigian 84
EE - Estonia 84
ET - Etiopia 82
HR - Croazia 76
KG - Kirghizistan 73
LU - Lussemburgo 69
KZ - Kazakistan 68
KE - Kenya 58
SC - Seychelles 51
GH - Ghana 49
RS - Serbia 49
GE - Georgia 44
PA - Panama 44
BO - Bolivia 42
UZ - Uzbekistan 42
AM - Armenia 41
TN - Tunisia 41
CY - Cipro 40
AL - Albania 36
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 34
CR - Costa Rica 33
IS - Islanda 33
OM - Oman 32
QA - Qatar 32
NP - Nepal 30
MT - Malta 29
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 29
BH - Bahrain 27
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 24
MU - Mauritius 23
UY - Uruguay 23
A1 - Anonimo 22
Totale 531.915
Città #
Chandler 51.191
Jacksonville 47.467
Hong Kong 30.556
Singapore 13.930
Wilmington 12.213
Ashburn 11.738
Boardman 11.714
Helsinki 8.641
Dublin 8.058
Dong Ket 7.900
Ann Arbor 7.569
Kronberg 7.493
Dearborn 6.091
Trento 5.669
Woodbridge 4.146
Beijing 4.118
Los Angeles 3.148
Brooklyn 2.947
New York 2.762
Brussels 2.647
Munich 2.310
Redwood City 2.279
Seattle 2.246
Shanghai 2.139
Houston 2.086
Pune 2.034
Phoenix 1.968
Santa Clara 1.584
Toronto 1.407
Tokyo 1.385
Milan 1.296
Ottawa 1.102
San Mateo 1.002
Guangzhou 905
Norwalk 880
Miami 878
Mountain View 841
London 777
Rome 767
Verona 724
Strasbourg 718
Brno 688
Moscow 687
Falls Church 646
Fuzhou 593
Portland 589
Augusta 581
Hanover 554
Leawood 533
Saint Petersburg 496
Frankfurt am Main 493
Nanjing 486
Taipei 480
Central 471
Fairfield 461
Fremont 443
Montréal 440
Mcallen 421
Cambridge 394
Bologna 384
Falkenstein 384
Redmond 376
Secaucus 347
Mexico City 346
Ardabil 345
Amsterdam 316
Kai Yi Wan 309
Berlin 302
Nuremberg 300
Tappahannock 298
San Jose 295
Monmouth Junction 278
Vienna 276
Sydney 273
Paris 272
Zanjan 263
Melbourne 257
Madrid 252
Cologne 251
Barcelona 248
Hefei 245
Wuhan 245
Bolzano 244
Seoul 239
Zhengzhou 238
Vancouver 233
Auburn Hills 231
Dongjak-gu 225
Zurich 224
Kuala Lumpur 217
Mumbai 213
Shenzhen 211
Osaka 209
Des Moines 208
Istanbul 207
Gunzenhausen 199
Kunming 197
Bratislava 191
Hangzhou 191
Padova 187
Totale 299.508
Nome #
Sentiment Analysis: How to Derive Prior Polarities from SentiWordNet 26.965
Open-source image-based 3D reconstruction pipelines: review, comparison and evaluation 3.540
Findings of the 2021 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT21) 2.061
MuST-C: a Multilingual Speech Translation Corpus 1.728
Adapting Transformer to End-to-End Spoken Language Translation 1.518
Findings of the IWSLT 2022 Evaluation Campaign. 1.261
Overview of the IWSLT 2017 Evaluation Campaign 1.211
Introduction to Contextual Reasoning. An Artificial Intelligence Perspective 1.195
Characterization of a CMOS SPAD sensor designed for fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy 1.163
Videogrammetry vs Photogrammetry for heritage 3D reconstruction 961
Designing a Familiar Technology For Elderly People 956
Overview of the IWSLT 2012 Evaluation Campaign 882
Deactivation of Ultra Shallow B and BF2 Profiles after Non-melt Laser Annealing 806
WIT3: Web Inventory of Transcribed and Translated Talks 804
Automatic Assessment of English CEFR Levels Using BERT Embeddings 774
REDIT: A Tool and Dataset for Extraction of Personal Data in Documents of the Public Administration Domain 773
Semeval-2015 task 4: timeline: cross-document event ordering 753
Generating Personalized Challenges to Enhance the Persuasive Power of Gamification 737
Machine Translation Human Evaluation: an investigation of evaluation based on Post-Editing and its relation with Direct Assessment 650
Post-editing in Automatic Subtitling: A Subtitlers’ perspective 630
Contextual Handling in Neural Machine Translation: Look Behind, Ahead and on Both Sides 579
The IWSLT 2019 Evaluation Campaign 534
MultiWordNet: developing an aligned multilingual database 517
Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation. 466
From 2D to 3D supervised segmentation and classification for cultural heritage applications. 454
Neural Text Simplification in Low-Resource Conditions Using Weak Supervision 453
Bootstrapping for Fun: Web-based Construction of Large Data Sets for Humor Recognition 422
Cache-based Online Adaptation for Machine Translation Enhanced Computer Assisted Translation 411
The IWSLT 2016 Evaluation Campaign 408
Online Automatic Post-editing for MT in a Multi-Domain Translation Environment 389
Neural vs. Phrase-Based Machine Translation in Multi-Domain Scenario 388
Enhancing Transformer for End-to-end Speech-to-Text Translation 379
Geometric feature analysis for the classification of cultural heritage point clouds 369
Elastic traffic effects on WDM dynamic grooming algorithms 366
ItalWordNet: a large semantic database for Italian 356
Back Side Illuminated SiPM from NIR to NUV light detection 354
Orchestrating End-to-end Slices in 5G Networks 347
A benchmark for large-scale heritage point cloud semantic segmentation 345
A Wizard-based Approach for Secure Code Generation of Single Sign-On and Access Delegation Solutions for Mobile Native Apps 343
Translation Quality and Productivity: A Study on Rich Morphology Languages. 341
A chatbot-based intervention to promote healthy coping in young adults 337
The Effectiveness of a Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training System for Young Foreign Language Learners 335
Reasoning with Inequations in Temporal Constraint Networks 333
Seed Words Based Data Selection for Language Model Adaptation 330
Requirements Monitoring for Adaptive Service-Based Applications 327
Reverse Engineering of the Interaction Diagrams from C++ Code 326
A collaborative table for narration negotiation and reconciliation in a conflict. 324
Automatic Creation of Flexible Catchy Headlines 324
Recipes for tangible and embodied visit experiences 315
A 2-phase frame-based knowledge extraction framework 314
Un modello per intensità di cura basato sulla stratificazione del rischio di instabilità clinica dei pazienti consente l’erogazione di cure più appropriate e migliora gli esiti clinici ed organizzativi in Medicina Interna. 314
I-Theatre: developing narratives skills in kindergarten children 312
The Fifth PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge 311
LIPS vs MOSA: A Replicated Empirical Study on Automated Test Case Generation 299
High impact drivers in innovation ecosystems: the case of Tecnopuc-Fbk joint lab 296
Tangible Tourism with the Internet of Things 296
Features or Spurious Artifacts? Data-centric Baselines for Fair and Robust Hate Speech Detection 292
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Nitrided Silicon-Silicon Oxide Interface 288
New Features for FrameNet - WordNet Mapping 286
Are Subtitling Corpora really Subtitle-like? 286
A new position-sensitive silicon photomultiplier with submillimeter spatial resolution for photon-cluster identification 285
Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection 284
NUV-HD SiPMs with Metal-filled Trenches 283
Correlation between histopathological and biochemical features of the knee cartilage 282
Bit-plane Processing Techniques for Low-Light, High Speed Imaging with a SPAD-based QIS 282
View-Specific Assessment of L2 Spoken English 282
MUSTI-Multimodal Understanding of Smells in Texts and Images at MediaEval 2022 280
A Preliminary Comparison of State-of-the-art Dependency Parsers on the Italian Stanford Dependency Treebank 280
Quality of service in IP over WDM: Considering both service differentiation and transmission quality 280
Seeing among foliage with LiDAR and Machine Learning: towards a transferable archaeological pipeline 279
Comparing Traditional and Web specific FIT Tables: a Controlled Experiment 276
ESCAPE: A Component-Based Policy Framework for Sense and React Applications 276
Stretchable resistive pressure sensor based on CNT-PDMS nanocomposites 276
Classification of Future Internet infrastructures for experimentation 276
Er 3+ /Yb 3+ - activated silica–hafnia planar waveguides for photonics fabricated by rf-sputtering 275
Geodesic convolutional neural networks on Riemannian manifolds 275
Lyrics Segmentation: Textual Macrostructure Detection using Convolutions 275
Managing Risk in Open Source Software Adoption 274
Data-driven social innovation: a methodology to support employees of retail shops 274
Factors determining the dynamics of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Europe 273
From Broadcast News to Spontraneous Dialogue Transcription: Portability Issues 273
Ipoacusia a Scuola: il Contributo delle Nuove Tecnologie 271
Protein detection system based on 32x32 SPAD pixel array 267
Lightweight multicast forwarding for service discovery in low-power IoT networks 266
Revealing malicious remote engineering attempts on Android apps with magic numbers 265
Robust HMM training and adaptation in hands-free speech recognition 264
Short Strips for the sLHC: a P-Type Silicon Microstrip Detector in 3D-Technology 264
A relationship between dielectric and nuclear magnetic relaxation mechanisms in protein solutions 263
Battery-Aware Power Management Techniques for Wearable Haptic Nodes 263
Instantaneous Speaker Adaptation through Selection and Combination of fMLLR Transformation Matrices 262
Towards a Virtual Stress Management Coach App: A Co-Design Protocol 258
A multi-purpose benchmark for photogrammetric urban 3D reconstruction in a controlled environment 258
Mixing Representation levels: the Hybrid Approach to Automatic Text Generation 257
Superconductivity at elevated temperatures in C6Yb and C6Ca. 257
Clustering with Propagation for Hierarchical Document Classification 256
Blocking Analysis of Multifiber Wavelength-Routed Networks 255
Adding Gesture, Posture and Facial Displays to the PoliModal Corpus of Political Interviews 255
Novel General Purpose Switched Capacitor/Varactor Design Concept in RF-MEMS Technology for Emerging 5G/6G and Super-IoT Applications 252
Valutazione di modifiche indotte dalla rigenerazione di dispositivi monouso in cardiologia interventistica 252
Hybrid Emoji-Based Masked Language Models for Zero-Shot Abusive Language Detection 252
Totale 74.611

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202048.640 0 0 0 0 0 5.104 9.276 1.528 8.940 9.371 10.310 4.111
2020/202178.826 10.441 793 8.213 4.178 8.167 3.195 9.415 1.254 2.763 14.085 4.091 12.231
2021/202243.783 2.599 1.813 1.275 6.672 2.003 1.277 1.732 6.447 3.737 2.588 5.395 8.245
2022/2023140.774 4.051 35.757 2.631 19.630 6.134 16.421 2.206 8.929 26.791 9.127 5.178 3.919
2023/202484.927 6.568 3.823 8.050 4.394 6.903 8.930 5.529 12.262 3.645 12.405 2.048 10.370
2024/202562.050 3.452 4.285 22.226 7.788 18.545 5.754 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 546.398