Palmero Aprosio, Alessio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.831
AS - Asia 1.768
EU - Europa 1.652
AF - Africa 45
SA - Sud America 41
OC - Oceania 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 5.368
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.761
SG - Singapore 783
IT - Italia 559
HK - Hong Kong 383
DE - Germania 335
IN - India 150
UA - Ucraina 113
GB - Regno Unito 110
CN - Cina 99
FI - Finlandia 95
VN - Vietnam 73
IE - Irlanda 70
SE - Svezia 66
MY - Malesia 62
FR - Francia 61
CA - Canada 52
JP - Giappone 43
RU - Federazione Russa 40
BE - Belgio 35
NL - Olanda 32
ES - Italia 30
IR - Iran 25
TR - Turchia 23
AU - Australia 21
BR - Brasile 20
PL - Polonia 18
PH - Filippine 17
PK - Pakistan 17
GR - Grecia 15
LK - Sri Lanka 15
IL - Israele 14
KR - Corea 14
TW - Taiwan 14
ZA - Sudafrica 13
CH - Svizzera 12
PE - Perù 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
EU - Europa 9
LT - Lituania 9
BD - Bangladesh 8
ID - Indonesia 8
NG - Nigeria 8
LV - Lettonia 7
MA - Marocco 7
MX - Messico 7
AT - Austria 6
CL - Cile 6
DK - Danimarca 6
PT - Portogallo 6
SI - Slovenia 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
CR - Costa Rica 4
EG - Egitto 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
UY - Uruguay 4
DZ - Algeria 3
IQ - Iraq 3
PA - Panama 3
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
BT - Bhutan 2
ET - Etiopia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
OM - Oman 2
QA - Qatar 2
RO - Romania 2
SO - Somalia 2
BZ - Belize 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
JO - Giordania 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 5.368
Città #
Singapore 758
Hong Kong 343
Chandler 298
Jacksonville 209
Boardman 103
Ashburn 100
Ann Arbor 77
Wilmington 70
Dublin 66
Dong Ket 64
Helsinki 64
Trento 56
Kuala Lumpur 53
New York 52
Kronberg 50
Rome 47
Brooklyn 45
Los Angeles 42
Redwood City 38
Hillsboro 36
Milan 36
Brussels 29
Cagliari 25
Dearborn 25
Beijing 21
Eggenfelden 21
Phoenix 21
Toronto 21
Munich 20
Tokyo 20
San Mateo 19
Bareggio 17
Guangzhou 16
Seattle 15
Bologna 14
Santa Clara 14
Birmingham 13
Pune 13
Secaucus 13
Shanghai 13
Woodbridge 13
London 12
Verona 12
Lima 11
Serra 11
Central 10
Chennai 10
Leawood 10
Norwalk 10
Warsaw 10
Davao City 9
Istanbul 9
Leeds 9
Padova 9
Seveso 9
Sydney 9
Taipei 9
Ankara 8
Bengaluru 8
Bolzano 8
Melbourne 8
Modena 8
Mountain View 8
Paris 8
Riese Pio X 8
San Jose 8
St Petersburg 8
Augusta 7
Barcelona 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Geneva 7
Ho Chi Minh City 7
Pavia 7
Shinjō 7
Turin 7
Vancouver 7
Amsterdam 6
Athens 6
Brno 6
Cape Town 6
Florence 6
Genoa 6
Islamabad 6
Kirkland 6
Montreal 6
Mumbai 6
Nanjing 6
Niterói 6
Ottawa 6
Wake Forest 6
Zanjan 6
Cardiff 5
Carnikava 5
Casablanca 5
Columbus 5
Darmstadt 5
Düsseldorf 5
Edinburgh 5
Iesi 5
Jyväskylä 5
Totale 3.407
Nome #
REDIT: A Tool and Dataset for Extraction of Personal Data in Documents of the Public Administration Domain 773
Neural Text Simplification in Low-Resource Conditions Using Weak Supervision 453
A 2-phase frame-based knowledge extraction framework 314
Adding Gesture, Posture and Facial Displays to the PoliModal Corpus of Political Interviews 255
A Multimodal Dataset of Images and Text to Study Abusive Language 185
BERToldo, the Historical BERT for Italian 177
Italy goes to Stanford: a collection of CoreNLP modules for Italian 148
Tint 2.0: An all-inclusive suite for NLP in Italian 138
Extracting Knowledge from Text with PIKES 137
Annotation and Analysis of the PoliModal Corpus of Political Interviews 128
A Contextual Framework for Reasoning on Events 111
QAKiS: an Open Domain QA System based on Relational Patterns 109
A RADAR for Information Reconciliation in Question Answering Systems over Linked Data 99
NewsReader: Using knowledge resources in a cross-lingual reading machine to generate more knowledge from massive streams of news 98
An anytime heuristic algorithm for allocating many teams to many tasks 96
FBK-DH at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Using Multi-channel BERT for Multilingual Offensive Language Detection 93
Towards Personalised Simplification based on L2 Learners' Native Language 89
QAKiS@ QALD-2 88
On Coreferring Text-extracted Event Descriptions with the aid of Ontological Reasoning 88
The CREENDER Tool for Creating Multimodal Datasets of Images and Comments 87
MicroNeel: Combining nlp tools to perform named entity detection and linking on microposts 86
Demonstrating the power of streaming and sorting for non-distributed RDF processing: RDFpro 85
Supervised Opinion Frames Detection with RAID 82
Recognizing Biographical Sections in Wikipedia 81
NERMuD at EVALITA 2023: Overview of the Named-Entities Recognition on Multi-Domain Documents Task 79
Extending the Coverage of DBpedia Properties using Distant Supervision over Wikipedia 78
Reconciling Information in DBpedia through a Question Answering System 78
Gli strumenti informatici. Sviluppo e risultati 77
Frame-Based Ontology Population with PIKES 75
Automatic mapping of Wikipedia templates for fast deployment of localized DBpedia datasets 73
Knowledge Extraction for Information Retrieval 73
Towards an automatic creation of localized versions of DBpedia 69
BullyFrame: Cyberbullying Meets FrameNet 68
Natural language interaction with the web of data by mining its textual side 66
Automatic expansion of DBpedia exploiting Wikipedia cross-language information 65
These Are Your Rights 57
Adaptive Complex Word Identification through False Friend Detection 57
PreMOn: a Lemon Extension for Exposing Predicate Models as Linked Data 55
Agreeing to Disagree: Annotating Offensive Language Datasets with Annotators’ Disagreement 54
Towards integration of ontology and text-extracted data for event coreference reasoning 52
PreMOn: LODifing linguistic predicate models 52
Extending Linked Open Data resources exploiting Wikipedia as source of information 51
KIND: an Italian Multi-Domain Dataset for Named Entity Recognition 48
Abuse is Contextual, What about NLP? The Role of Context in Abusive Language Annotation and Detection 48
It Is MarkIT That Is New: An Italian Treebank of Marked Constructions 36
Tint, the Swiss-Army Tool for Natural Language Processing in Italian 34
EasyTurk: A User-Friendly Interface for High-Quality Linguistic Annotation with Amazon Mechanical Turk 31
Erase and Rewind: Manual Correction of NLP Output through a Web Interface 27
A preliminary release of the Italian Parliamentary Corpus 25
AI Product Cards: A framework for code-bound formal documentation cards in the public administration 23
A Synchronic and Diachronic Study of Students’ Essays in Italian High Schools: Trends in Length, Complexity, and Referencing 21
The AI4Citizen pilot: Pipelining AI-based technologies to support school-work alternation programmes 20
Adding a Novel Italian Treebank of Marked Constructions to Universal Dependencies 19
The impact of phrases on Italian lexical simplification 19
Italian Legislative Text Classification for Gazzetta Ufficiale 11
Totale 5.541
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.370
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.370

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020304 0 0 0 0 0 23 48 14 39 111 54 15
2020/2021632 59 10 55 23 52 35 57 13 39 113 63 113
2021/2022512 45 24 21 72 24 10 19 38 44 63 80 72
2022/2023984 58 72 29 128 49 104 48 80 188 89 80 59
2023/20241.915 55 50 72 65 745 146 136 151 56 207 64 168
2024/2025759 40 73 208 76 296 66 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.541