Schüller, Simone
Schüller, Simone
Beyond The Average: Peer Heterogeneity and Intergenerational Transmission of Education
2014-01-01 Chakraborty, Tanika; Nottmeyer, Olga; Schüller, Simone; Klaus F., Zimmermann
Effetti della riforma sull’offerta di lavoro delle madri
2015-01-01 Battistin, Erich; Schüller, Simone; Vuri, Daniela
Erwägung als Prozess der Selbstorganisation
2007-01-01 Bechmann, R.; Bretschneider, N.; Hagen, M.; Mühler, U.; Schüller, Simone; Thieme, S.; Weissmann, M.
Ethnic diversity and labor market success / Ethnische Vielfalt und Arbeitsmarkterfolg
2011-01-01 Rinne, U.; Zimmermann, K. F.; Schüller, Simone
Ethnic Spatial Dispersion and Immigrant Identity
2013-01-01 Constant, Amelie; Schüller, Simone; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
Evidence and Persistence of Education Inequality in an Early-Tracking System – The German Case
2014-01-01 Krause, A.; Schüller, Simone
Kick It Like Özil? Decomposing the Native-Migrant Education Gap
2014-01-01 Krause, Annabelle; Rinne, Ulf; Schüller, Simone
L’impatto della diffusione di internet ad alta velocità sulle prestazioni economiche delle imprese trentine
2014-01-01 Canzian, Giulia; Poy, Samuele; Schüller, Simone
Parental Ethnic Identity and Educational Attainment of Second-Generation Immigrants
2015-01-01 Schüller, Simone
Schulkarrieren: Die soziale Herkunft ist wichtiger als der Migrationshintergrund
2013-01-01 Krause, A.; Rinne, U.; Schüller, Simone
The 9/11 conservative shift
2015-01-01 Schüller, Simone
The drowning-refugee effect: media salience and xenophobic attitudes
2016-01-01 De Poli, Silvia; Jakobsson, Niklas; Schüller, Simone
The Effects of 9/11 on Attitudes Toward Immigration and the Moderating Role of Education
2012-01-01 Schüller, Simone
Un’analisi degli effetti di alcune politiche industriali attuate dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento
2015-01-01 Canzian, Giulia; Gamba, Simona; Rettore, Enrico; Schizzerotto, Antonio; Schüller, Simone