Picco, Gian Pietro
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 805
EU - Europa 390
AS - Asia 381
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
AF - Africa 2
Totale 1.581
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 798
HK - Hong Kong 259
DE - Germania 105
UA - Ucraina 69
FI - Finlandia 55
SE - Svezia 54
SG - Singapore 49
CN - Cina 28
IT - Italia 25
VN - Vietnam 22
FR - Francia 19
IN - India 19
GB - Regno Unito 18
IE - Irlanda 18
RU - Federazione Russa 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
BE - Belgio 5
MX - Messico 4
EU - Europa 3
LT - Lituania 3
CA - Canada 2
NL - Olanda 2
PK - Pakistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 1.581
Città #
Hong Kong 259
Chandler 215
Jacksonville 150
Boardman 45
Singapore 41
Ashburn 38
Wilmington 37
Helsinki 36
Dong Ket 22
Kronberg 20
Dearborn 19
Dublin 18
Ann Arbor 15
Trento 12
Beijing 10
Woodbridge 10
Los Angeles 9
Strasbourg 8
Brooklyn 7
Houston 7
Hanover 6
Olomouc 6
Santa Clara 6
Berlin 5
Brussels 5
Miami 5
Munich 5
Pune 5
Mexico City 4
New York 4
Norwalk 4
Seattle 4
Auburn Hills 3
Falls Church 3
Guangzhou 3
Paris 3
Cheyenne 2
Costa Mesa 2
Des Moines 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
London 2
Milan 2
Mountain View 2
Nanjing 2
Nantes 2
Redwood City 2
Torino 2
Toronto 2
Augusta 1
Bishkek 1
Bologna 1
Bolzano 1
Boston 1
Cairo 1
Cerignola 1
Cologne 1
Delft 1
Dubai 1
Easton 1
Friesland 1
Gunzenhausen 1
Hamburg 1
Hangzhou 1
Hefei 1
Inglewood 1
Jastrebarsko 1
Kaifeng 1
Kidderminster 1
Merced 1
Phoenix 1
Portland 1
Riga 1
Saint Petersburg 1
San José 1
Settimo Vittone 1
Shanghai 1
Stuttgart 1
Suzhou 1
Trenton 1
Tulsa 1
Verona 1
Wuhan 1
Totale 1.107
Nome #
Practical Data Prediction for Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks 294
Adaptive Lighting in Road Tunnels Using Wireless Sensor Networks 88
Not All Wireless Sensor Networks Are Created Equal: A Comparative Study On Tunnels 86
Monitoring Heritage Buildings with Wireless Sensor Networks: The Torre Aquila Deployment 78
Geo-referenced Proximity Detection of Wildlife with WildScope: Design and Characterization 75
Software engineering for mobility: reflecting on the past, peering into the future 74
Solving the Wake-Up Scattering Problem Optimally 71
Lime: A Coordination Middleware Supporting Mobility of Hosts and Agents 70
How Environmental Factors Impact Outdoor Sensor Networks: A Case Study 70
SensEH: From Simulation to Deployment of Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks 68
Motes in the Jungle: Lessons Learned from a Short-term WSN Deployment in the Ecuador Cloud Forest 67
TinyLime: Bridging Mobile and Sensor Networks through Middleware 65
Embracing localization inaccuracy: A case study 65
Data Sharing vs. Message Passing: Synergy or Incompatibility? An Implementation-Driven Case Study 63
Mobile Data Collection in Sensor Networks: The TinyLime Middleware 60
TRIDENT: Untethered Observation of Physical Communication Made to Share 59
Wireless Sensor Networks for Permanent Health Monitoring of Historic Constructions 58
Poster Abstract: Pushing a Standard Wireless Sensor Network Stack for Ultra-low Data Rates 51
Poster Abstract: Are those trees messing with my wireless sensor network? 46
TRIDENT: In-field Connectivity Assessment for Wireless Sensor Networks 46
Lasso: A device-to-device group monitoring service for smart cities 45
Totale 1.599
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.745
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.745

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020127 0 0 0 0 0 17 25 3 24 26 23 9
2020/2021188 29 0 21 9 23 6 25 2 2 31 10 30
2021/2022107 2 2 1 17 2 3 3 14 11 4 12 36
2022/2023435 41 52 5 74 18 51 6 34 96 26 15 17
2023/2024192 13 6 16 7 14 22 2 24 1 47 1 39
2024/2025324 7 4 43 34 222 14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.599